Outweigh, precedence/Supersede/ offset/ outbalance/

While there are both advantages and disadvantages associated with this topic, the positive aspects take precedence over the drawbacks.

Drawbacks: demerits, foible, dereliction, laxity, oversight, dilapidation

positive: merits, high quality, value, worthiness


Other way to say ' a  lot of '. It considered as informal in spoken and written so try avoid using this chunk.

 - a massive quantity

- an Impressive amount

- An excessive amount of 

- a large number of ...


- abundance of ...

-Plenty of ( time)


-Reciprocate (v)

the favour ( kindness, benevolence, friendliness) was reciprocated.

-Oblige (benevolence, friendliness, indebt, impel) not equal to volunteer


-relationship, interconnection, parallel, connection, kinship, family ties, lineage, tie-up, affair, liaison, amour, affinity, love, blood relationship