Carbon footprint

We should try to reduce carbon foot print then what is it?. It is average waste produce by an individual that has impacted on the greenhouse effect. 

Diversity? and Bio diversity?

-is means composited of different elements/ 

-attributes like: species, ecosystems,  genes. 

Biodiversity is 

-Foundation of food security

-Bio diversity less drives pandemic risk 

*biodiversity is declining due to human activities 


Agro-ecology  can help in ( below)

-build resilient ( irrepressible) livelihoods, 

-safeguard biodiversity, 

-boost nutrition, 

-sustainably manage the planet's natural resources, 

-respond to climate change 

-Carbon Tax

The government imposed a price for those businesses and consumers that burn carbon-based fuels, including coal, oil, gasoline, and natural gas. 

-Making polluter pay


-----Vocabulary list with example-------

















Environment Idioms 

Cut back on ( to reduce) : Tell tim to stop printing so much. We are trying to cut back on our use of paper. 

Go green ( to start doing that are more environmetally friendly. ) We are going green at our office. We put recycling bins in everybody's cubicle. 

to have a green thumb: ( to be good at making plants grow. ( My mother has a green thumb. Her tomato plant produced dozens of tomatoes !

Look Green: Look sick 

Do I look green?

a cold day in July ( something that will never happen):It will be a cold day in July when Shrijhana calls. 

All wet ( completely mistaken )

It is all wet 

Chase Rainbows( pursuing unrealistic goals)

It is like chasing rainbows.

Come rain and Shine ( do regularly, whatever the circumstances)

I am preparing for Ielts exam come rain and shine so that I can score band 8.

Spit into the wind ( wasting time on something futile)

Blood and thundner ( a darmatic, spectacular, performance )

Bed of roses ( a comfortable situation ) 

Put down roots ( establish oneself in a place, settle)

Out of the woods ( out of danger ) 

A ray of sunshine ( something that brings happiness to someone) 

Stealing my thunder ( Making people pay attention to you) 

Cuts no ice ( Does nothave any effect or influence)

Phrasal verbs

Use up ( Finish a supply of somethin) : I worry that we will use up the worlds non-renewable resources. 

Wipe out (  Destroy something completely) Whle villages were wiped out by the floods. 

Scale back ( reduce the amount or size of something) : The country has sacled back its use of fossil fuels andhas started investing in renewable energy.


I was a shrinking violet but I am always on Cloud nine.