Writing task 2 introduction define your essay how strong it is?

Introduction ( 3-5 sentences)

-Plan first ( do not write a single word before planning)

- Translate this plan into sentences


*What is the topic?

*What is the question 

*what is your opinion?

*what are you reasons?


Deciding where to live is one of  life's more difficult choices. One may opt for life in the country or the city. In my opinion, life in the city is more advantageous. This is due to fact that the city offers  better economic and social opportunities. 

As a person reaches adulthood, he needs to decide on where he would prefer to live. While there are advantages to both living in the country and the city, I believe that for economic reasons, life is the city is more beneficial. This is because  the city offers more employment opportunities, as well as more affordable post of living.