Talk about your Daily Routine
When do you usually get up in the morning? Do you usually have the same routine every day? What is your daily routine? Do you ever change your routines? Is your routine the same today as it was when you were a child? Do you think it is important to have a daily routine?
go to bed, wake up, wash my face, brush your hair, dry your hair, brush my teeth, take a bath, go to school, drive to work,
have break fast, make dinner, have lunch, have dinner, study, go for walk, go shopping, read the paper, clean the house,
get dressed, exercise, play an instrument, take out the trash, shave, take a shower, do your hair, put on makeup, do the dishes,
make a bed, start school, get home, do homework, play computer games, play football, listen to music, go out with friends, read a book
watch tv, do the laundry, hang the clothes, do the dusting, mop floors, vacuum, take a nap, play with peers, work.