Organization is co- ordinated network of individual who make appropriate base on their professional competence and knowledge. The term organization was derived from Greek word 'Organiz' which refers to a tool or an instrument. So. organization is define as the activities of a group of a people with in the system for attainment of the specific goal.
Organization comes into existence with in human society when more than 2 peoples are in regular communication and willing to contribute each other for achievement of common purposes. It is formal structure of authority through which work division are arranged defined and co- ordinated to get job done on the basis of pre-determined.
An organization include following elements: Purpose ( Doctrine ),Person(Program), Places(leadership), Process( Resources).
Characteristics of Organization
-Social interaction
-Purpose & Goal
-Division of Work
-hierarchy of Authority
-Integration and Co-ordination
-administrative/Management Process
Types of Organization
1. Productive
2. Maintenance Organization
3. Managerial or Political Organization
4. Adoptive Organization
Organizational Goals
Goals means the object of one's effort. The organization goals determine target or end that the organization wants to achieve by deploying (utilize) resources (human, physical, goodwill and finance, organization is achieving the deprive stage of an organization.
Goals are expressed in quantitive measurable and concrete terms that desire to be achieve within given time period. It stands as a direction and reference points to get long term organizational sucessional. It reflects broad aim and provide guide for action in the organization.
Goals different according to nature and types of organization
Purpose of Organization Goals.
Organization Goals intends
I. To provide guidance and unified direction for peoples working in the organization
II. To help everyone understand where the organization is going why it is preforming
III. To prove rationality of the organization among it's members and stakeholders.
IV. To promote aspects good planning and effective and efficient implementing of the planning
V. To serve as a source of motivation to employees of the organization
VI. To provide an effective mechanism for evaluation and control of organization performences
Types of Organizational Goals
I. Corporate Goal
Corporate Goal consists of broad over al goals set up by TOP level executive mangers
Such types of goals are represent by
1.1 Mission
To be Continue.